How to Install Floral Wall Decals
Let’s get started.
REMEMBER: Your decal will look beautiful. I am hoping you feel accomplished and happy after your decal is installed on your wall, it is my dream to have only very happy customers. I know, right? Some dream! If anything goes wrong, please let me know, I want to help. It is my goal and my purpose for you to finish this project because I want to see it! And it is my intention to help you get there but since I am not there with you physically, you will have to reach out to me and relate what is going on with the installation before I can help.
Take your time.
Do not rush.
Rush is the enemy of decals
Before installing the decals onto the wall, please follow the Best Practice Cleaning Method for an enhance adhesion of wall vinyl decals.
MotoMoms Decor wall decals are an easy way to bring to life a room theme or to add a touch of fun on any interior environment. For best results, be sure to apply your wall decals to a clean dry surface after following our recommended best procedures for enhanced adhesion. Even if you just paint your wall and waited 30 days, you HAVE TO clean the wall with the Enhanced Adhesion Method to get the best results.
PRO's Tips:
1. If your wall paint is new, please wait at least 30 days to apply. Under-cured paint may continue to outgas and cause bubbles in decal that appears to be well applied right after application.
2. Apply when the decals are at room temperature and after they have been laid flat for a few hours.
3) All the decals you’ve received have 3 layers: on the very bottom is what we call the “backing paper” which right now touching the adhesive, and it is kind of a release wax paper if you want to call it waxy paper I am OK with that. The top layer is the “transfer tape” and it is kind of transparent. In the very middle is the precious decal. Yes, it is like a sandwich.
4) I wish all walls were made digitally, like my decals, but the sad true is they are not. So, my decals are straight, perfectly straight! and your walls (and mine too) ARE NOT. We will address what to do with not so straight walls.
Most likely you received more than one panel. Don’t fret. The graphic will look seamless after installed on your wall if you follow my tips on how to get it done the right way.
This step might take the longest or seem tedious, but it is SUPER IMPORTANT! Each Panel will have a number, follow the sequence to create the graphic. If you’ve received 3 or more panels -I am going to throw you a curb ball here- don’t start with panel number one, START WITH THE MIDDLE PANEL, specially if you are installing your floral decal against the ceiling with no headboard.
For example, if you have 3 panels, the middle panel will be number 2.
After you secure it with painters’ tape, then do the same with the rest of the panels. Make the sides of each panel touch to each other so the graphic will look seamless, no gap between panels. If you start on the side (panel 1) your graphic will not be leveled straight, or panels won’t touch each other.
Place all of them on the wall with painters’ tape starting with the middle panel, and make sure you like where they are positioned and there is no gap between panels. If you are happy with the positioning of your panels, leave the middle one and remove the other two panels for now. We are getting ready to stick this panel to the wall.
On this video you can see how the ceiling is not perfect, if I had a headboard around it, it will look perfectly flushed against it.
STEP 2: Stick your initial panel to wall – The Hinge Method
- CREATE THE HINGE: Grab Painters tape and stick a horizontal line across the middle panel on the wall, make 2 lines of tape to make sure the panel is secured into place and won’t move during this process. This is called “the hinged method” Now you have created a division in the panel with that painter’s tape, the upper part and the lower part.
- REMOVE BACKING PAPER: With the panel secured to the wall by this hinge, lift the upper part of the panel and pull release the backing paper away, continue to release the backing paper until you reach the horizontal line of painter’s tape. While holding the transfer tape that also has the graphic attached to it, ask your helper to pass you the scissors and cut a straight line across the backing paper, make sure you do not cut the transfer tape and the decal! then discard the white waxy thing.
- STICK DECAL TO WALL: Once the white backing is removed, be careful not to let the adhesive side of the decal fold on itself. Using just two of your Hindu God hands, hold the edges of the transfer tape and place both edges of the decal on the wall near the ceiling making sure it is tight and straight. Smooth the entire decal to the wall with the squeegee from center to sides, and then go over it with your hands to really seal the deal. Now you can get rid of the blue painter’s tape, remove the rest of the backing paper (waxy white paper) and smooth down the decal onto the wall.
- REMOVE TRANSFER TAPE: Now, to finish this first panel, you will remove the transfer tape. Slowly pull up an edge of the transfer tape and peel away at a 45-degree angle along the face of the decal. If any of the decal sticks to the clear tape, don’t worry. Seriously. Stop pulling and re-press the decal (by denying it basic civil rights or just with your fingers) and then continue to slowly peel away the transfer tape and finally discard the transfer sticky nightmare. Or put it on a pet and see how long it takes them to take it off.
- FINISH THE INSTALL: Now bring on the other panels, either side, doesn’t matter which one. Place it next to the one you installed making sure it is touching the sides and the graphic is seamless. Repeat the previous 4 steps until finished.
Look at you! You’ve just made your wall look super awesome! You can call your mom and tell her the great news. Imagine what your parents might say! Like “You kids put stickers on walls now?” and then they just kind of wander off muttering. Regardless, nice work. If you feel like it, take a picture and send it to me We want to share your wall decal success with all the others MotoMoms out there.

STEP 4: SHARE & leave feedback!
I am proud of your adventurous spirit, and I want to share your wall decal success. Now it’s pictures time! Take a picture and send it to If I like it, I will use it on my website, Instagram it and Facebook it!
Smooth and Textured Walls - Adhesion Characteristics
Adhesion is the ability of the decal's adhesive to bond to the wall. The amount of both initial and final adhesion varies with the type of adhesive used on the decal, the texture of the wall, the paint characteristics, the application temperature and the application techniques. The adhesive bond builds with time. The decal may never achieve its full bond if it is poorly applied or you are using the wrong decal/adhesive combination for the wall and its paint.
- Adhesion, final. The maximum amount of bond achieved by a decal, usually in 24 to 48 hours after installation except in cool temperatures or textured walls.
- Adhesion, initial. The amount of bond needed to hold the film in place during application.
- Size of decal. The larger the piece of Decal, the greater the initial and final adhesive bond to the wall must be to support the weight of the decal.
- Outgassing resulting from uncured paint: As paint dries, it releases certain gases until it is fully dried and cured. Applying a film before the paint has fully cured can result in lifting,bubbles and a premature installation failure. Unfortunately, there is no way to test for this. Cure time varies greatly and can be as long as 30 days. Failure to wait the necessary amount of time may result in outgassing when the film is applied which can contribute to poor or inconsistent film adhesion.
- Stretching the decal. Decals stretched during application may later shrink. This affects the decal's adhesion to the wall and may result in premature failure.